Sunday, December 20, 2009

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Showing posts with label Pet Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Society. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pet Society | Christmas BUG

***Don't do this on your main acc. Open a new one, which you have NEVER played pet society on
***If the mayor comes out during any of this, just do stuffs from step 1 again

  1. In your acc, find pet society using the "search" and go to the app
  2. Once it finished loading, click "HOME" in Facebook
  3. Click the "Applications" at the bottom left corner and choose "Edit Applications"
  4. Find Pet Society on the page > Click "edit settings"
  5. You should see this line: Box: Available (add)
  6. Click the "add" and click OKAY
  7. Now go to your profile
  8. Click "Boxes"
  9. You should see pet society in there, except your pet is empty. Click the "Invite" button
  10. Pet Society will be opened again and it will start loading. This time, LET IT FINISH LOADING
  11. Look at your pet! The body, eyes and mouth should be there, but the head's missing. Good -- This means you are on the right track
  12. Click the globe and go to the bank
  13. Wait for a couple of seconds
  14. After approx. 10 secs, if the mayor didn't pop-up, refresh the pet society page
  15. After the refresh, you should see.... YOUR MONEY HAS INCREASED 2.5 k!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Now.... If you want to earn more money, just keep doing steps 12 to 14. Each refresh earns you 2.5 k!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pet Society | Auto Jumping Correct Disconnect

Remember "1 Skip for 1 coin"? Yeah. For that, you know, when time goes, your game will be disconnected. This post tells you how to stop that from happening :) Have fun!

1. Skip once in Pet Society
2. Open Cheat Engine. First Scan address
(Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
3. Right click on the results and Select ‘Disassemble this memory region’
4. Right click on the first line and Choose ‘Go to address’
5. Copy the address in the Generator’s first box
6. New Scan, First Scan address
(Hex.8 bytes.Also scan read only memory)
7. Right click on the results and Select ‘Disassemble this memory region’
8. Right click on the First Line and Choose ‘Go to address’
9. Copy the address in the Generator’s second box
10. Click ‘Generate’
11. Copy the text box
12. Return back to Cheat Engine Memory Viewer
13. Select ‘Tool’ → ‘Auto Assemble’
14. Paste the copied text into the text box
15. Click ‘Execute’ → ‘Yes’ → ‘OK’
16. Now when your pet skips, you will not get disconnected even after 10 minutes.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Pet Society | 1 Skip for 1 coin

  • Flash Player 9
  • Cheat Engine 5.5
  • Browser
  1. Open Pet Society
  2. Open Cheat Engine and choose your browser as the process. Tick HEX, 8 bytes, ASROM
  3. Put 7589544F8B01C083 in the HEX box
  4. In Pet Society, play skipping rope until you get a coin
  5. Click FIRST SCAN in Cheat Engine
  6. 1 address should come up > Right Click > Disassemble this memory region
  7. You will find this line: add eax,01 > Double click it
  8. Change the value to add eax,00 > OK
  9. Now put DC5D8B0000001C85 in the HEX box
  11. Right click the found address > Disassemble this memory region
  12. Scroll up a few lines until you see this: ... eax,02
  13. Double click > change the value to ... eax,00 > OK
  14. Now play skipping rope again in Pet Society -- You should get 1 coin for each skip!

CrazY plaNet granede riot


- Cheat Engine 5.5
- Flash Player 9
- Firefox / Internet Explorer

  1. Open the game
  2. Open Cheat Engine, select your browser in the process list. Tick HEX, 8 bytes, also scan read-only memory
  3. Put F4458B4048100FF2 in the hex box
  4. In crazy planets, go into a mission with multiple opponents (more robots on the ground recommended)
  5. Use grenade to hit a robot once. pause the game
  6. First Scan. 1 address should come up
  7. Right click, disassemble
  8. Select the first line (movsd xmm1,[eax+40]), double click it
  9. Change it to movsd xmm1,[eax+10]
  10. OK
  11. Back in the game, use grenade again. and all the people playing in that level (wether robot or not) will get hit!!!


† EmmanueL †

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pet Society | Christmas BUG

***Don't do this on your main acc. Open a new one, which you have NEVER played pet society on
***If the mayor comes out during any of this, just do stuffs from step 1 again

  1. In your acc, find pet society using the "search" and go to the app
  2. Once it finished loading, click "HOME" in Facebook
  3. Click the "Applications" at the bottom left corner and choose "Edit Applications"
  4. Find Pet Society on the page > Click "edit settings"
  5. You should see this line: Box: Available (add)
  6. Click the "add" and click OKAY
  7. Now go to your profile
  8. Click "Boxes"
  9. You should see pet society in there, except your pet is empty. Click the "Invite" button
  10. Pet Society will be opened again and it will start loading. This time, LET IT FINISH LOADING
  11. Look at your pet! The body, eyes and mouth should be there, but the head's missing. Good -- This means you are on the right track
  12. Click the globe and go to the bank
  13. Wait for a couple of seconds
  14. After approx. 10 secs, if the mayor didn't pop-up, refresh the pet society page
  15. After the refresh, you should see.... YOUR MONEY HAS INCREASED 2.5 k!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Now.... If you want to earn more money, just keep doing steps 12 to 14. Each refresh earns you 2.5 k!!!

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